• CMSL Cape May (NJ) Seashore Lines Non-Passenger Operations

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New Jersey
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New Jersey

Moderator: David

  by AceMacSD
Yes the freight. After all, those sand trains are running so fast and frequent that you can't even see them.
I'm by Atlantic City now and I'm hearing a 2016 & 2661 on the radio. A quick search for those engines turn out to be Cape May leasers. Guess they are working today.
  by AceMacSD
On Sunday morning, we saw the seashore train just briefly as it crossed a random road, maybe Rte 40, at grade. It was a single lease engine with three or four tank cars. We didn't know the way around the area, thus we couldn't follow. Then went to the SRNJ to scope out their operation.
  by AceMacSD
They must've run last night. One of the guys checking out the SRNJ said there were cars on the Cape May's interchange when he went by later they were gone. Do they have a consistent schedule?
  by Bracdude181
From what I can tell, none of the trains there are consistent. Conrail and CMSL seem to run to Winslow at random.

During the first few months of CMSL freight running from Winslow to Tuckahoe, Atlantic Sweetner was getting more cars than usual. At least once a month versus the maybe 4 cars a year they were getting previously, but now they seem back to just getting a car when they need it.
  by AceMacSD
Heard from one of the spotters that there were about 20+ MOW cars left for Conrail at the interchange Thursday night. Are they doing some kind of track work down there? Can't see any justification for trackwork for a little tourist line.
They interchanged last Thursday, so it's seems that Thursdays are their interchange days?
  by jdh823
AceMacSD wrote: Tue Mar 14, 2023 2:00 pm Heard from one of the spotters that there were about 20+ MOW cars left for Conrail at the interchange Thursday night. Are they doing some kind of track work down there? Can't see any justification for trackwork for a little tourist line.
They interchanged last Thursday, so it's seems that Thursdays are their interchange days?
They were just in storage.
  by Bracdude181
AceMac, any of the aforementioned cars a green color? They’ve had a LORAM ballast cleaner sitting in Tuckahoe for a while.
  by Bracdude181
Word is on the street that CMSL moved the largest freight they’ve ever moved a few weeks ago. The largest recorded freight I know of was about 110 cars and that was last summer.

Anyone know about this train? Or at least how long it was?
  by pdtrains
Any ideas where on the cape may line? These last few posts are pretty cryptic. Is this all about a new train of cars for storage? And if so, how far down the line to they shove the cars?
  by nomis
From posts on thefacebook.com, NJSL 2000 is enroute to New Jersey. In Ohio on Friday.
  by Bracdude181
Yeeeaaahhh that has me scratching my head. It’s in PRSL paint but has NJSL reporting marks.

Furthermore, NJSL is the reporting mark of the company they formed to run the Clayton line. New Jersey Seashore Lines. Not Cape May Seashore Lines…

Aren’t they also getting GMTX 215?
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