by Ken W2KB
DutchRailnut wrote:As engineers we really have no say in matter, its their trains.My large electric and gas delivery company employer started installing two way (driver and out the front view) video cameras in the large fleet of service and its other vehicles a couple years ago. Turned out that the cameras help prove that the employee driver was not at fault for accidents and was properly driving much more that they find an employee at fault. Started out with management vehicles getting them first, before bargaining unit.
How many other professions are on camera ??
police officers - firefighters - cashiers - bank tellers - toll takers - porters - restaurant workers - even riding public - etc - etc.
all Unions can do, is negotiate rules on use of these images and penalties for abuse, not only by those who are observed, but also for abuse by company like non- incident investigations, or releases to youtube.
The way it works as I recall is that the camera does not record continuously. It commences recording only (1) under significant g force changes such as heavy braking, swerving or a collision, or (2) if the employee hits the activate button. The recording then is automatically uploaded by wireless to a provider contractor whose employees review the video to evaluate it and only the screened ones with potential significant issues are sent to the company for further review. Last I knew the videos would be used for lessons learned and counseling, but not for discipline. They are extremely useful in claims against the company, much as the cameras showing antics at grade crossings and so forth are. While it takes some getting used to, in the long run employee reaction is favorable and it has significantly reduced the accident and OSHA recordable injury rate. The other major accident reduction initiative was to prohibit cellphone use while driving absolutely, even if hands free. There was a bit of a reduction with hands free which was tried at first, but the real improvement came with the absolute prohibition. Same reason for the railroad rule.
~Ken :: Fairmont ex-UP/MP C436 MT-14M1 ::
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