Whatever one personally thinks of Gov Schwarzenegger, his is not the sort of personality which incites the partisan wrangling and polarization which has characterized too much of the debate over the future of rail passenger service in America. And the outcome of the recent HSR initiative demonstrates that there just might be enough people out there willing to recognize that while the private vehicle is indispensible to most peoples' lifestyle, it may have limitations where very long distances are concerned.
In that spirit, perhaps it's time that the focal point for development of passenger rail technology shifted to the "right coast". California has the diversity among its population, that population is situated in a pattern better suited to the push for higher speeds, and the experience gained in dealing with the major obstacles at locations like Tehachapi and Santa Susana present a challenge not only in the purely technical sense, but in the necessity of redesigning our entire surface transportation network for freight as well as passengers.
Gentlemen, let's hope we see some dirt fly before they cart me off to the Harbin Hot Springs Home for Hoary, Hopeless Hippies!