pbj123 wrote: ↑Thu Sep 16, 2021 12:15 pm
Could anyone out there give a synopsis on Cal High speed rail 's current goals? After it builds the first segment in the valley, will it run high speed trains there, and will they continue onto the Cal Train electrification project ? Don't know much about it but I know it has gone through major modifications, and I'm hoping somebody can sum up what to expect when those two electrification projects are finished. Thank you!
To be honest with you, nobody knows the answer to your question because it depends upon what they fund to build next.
There is a 90 mile gap between the HSR line being built in the Valley and the Caltrain electrification on the Peninsula. A DEIS has been completed for this 90 mile gap section, Federal funding could not occur before the FEIS has been completed and a full funding agreement is approved by the FRA. The FEIS is scheduled for completion in 2022, next year. Who knows "when" this 90 mile gap will be funded and built?
The CHSR Authority has broken down the CHSR system into at least 10 sections, and their status:
San Francisco to San Jose (Phase 1) DEIS published
San Jose to Merced (Phase 1) DEIS published
Merced to Fresno (Phase 1) Under Construction
Fresno to Bakersfield (Phase 1) Under Construction
Bakersfield to Palmdale (Phase 1) FEIS published
Palmdale to Burbank (Phase 1) Scoping underway, Alternate Analysis published
Burbank to Los Angeles (Phase 1) Scoping underway, Alternate Analysis published
Merced to Sacramento (Phase 2) No official actions taken to date
Los Angeles to Anaheim (Phase 2) Scoping underway, Alternate Analysis published
Los Angeles to San Diego (Phase 2) No official actions taken to date
I would also like to note that the Caltrain electrification process underway is for Caltrain, the DEIS for CHSR has been published but the FEIS process is still underway. There will be additional improvements necessary to the Caltrain route before CHSR trains will be able to run on it.