Isn't the Bergen Tech School on the north side of Rte 46, right across from Teterboro Airport? If so, there are indeed a number of spur there south of I80, but I think only Stone Container and Agfa still receive regular service (there are about 5 industries west of Huygen which could receive rail service but don't - one directly east of Stone which would sporadically receive a boxcar or two, but apparently nothing for the past three years). This branch eventually swoops around north of Agfa and then heads east crossing Huygen, but peters out behind some buildings (apparently an old milling concern) - doesn't look like rail service will be restored here. The Ford parts distributorship is gone (this was always good for some huge High-Cube boxcars), and a number of industries along both existing and past spurs simpy don't need rail service (Strawberry's for one - I think this is were that private plane crashed last year; the business with the red-dragon logo [Symtech???] - number of buildings around this area actually; and apparently a church community center [:(] ). Usually there's a GP38 idling across the road from where the branch comes off the main...
North of I80 another branch came off the line (well, several once did way back, but this was active till recently) and headed east, curving north (it once continue east to what is now a discount restaurant equipment center) to what was a pasta factory...but is now something else which doesn't get rail freight (the pasta factory would get 1 covered hopper, sometimes an airslide - as of a month ago the piping and hoses to unload these hoppers was still there, hanging on the wall unused). Actually this whole section has quite a few alleys which any experienced ROW hunter would recognize as the basis of an large branch network, and must have been rather interesting some decades ago (say, pre-Conrail).
Of course, if this is not the branch you were talking about... nevermind.