frrc wrote:The latest news on the proposed commuter rail project... ... 2/business" onclick=";return false;
Boy, that reporter really earned his money CTRL-C'ing Mr. Bono's press release.
-- Zero about where he's going to get the trainsets.
-- Zero about the discrepancy in minimum track improvements (grade crossings up for renewal, etc.) he's expecting to fund for that $3M.
-- The kicker: zero about how exactly he is going to get Amtrak permission to stop at an Amtrak-owned station requiring at least a small sojurn off the FRIP track onto Amtrak- owned-and-dispatched passenger track.
-- Zero about how he's going to get permission to stop at Worcester Union Station and cross the MBTA's path into its secondary layover site (which they would cross even if they used the Gardner Branch side of the building for their platforms). No mention of what the MBTA has to say about that and the implications on their relationship with P&W, or CSX for its trains up the Gardner Branch and its testy relationship with P&W over slots on that line.
Basically, a vacuum about everything except that one ambiguous quote from P&W's general counsel. Who doesn't say which study he's referring to: RIDOT's active Woonsocket study, P&W's own TIGER grant applications for state-of-repair on the line which have are freight-only despite having theoretical passenger benefits, or some new thing cooked up by Mr. Bono that somehow violates the laws of finance physics and fits neatly inside that $3M.
I wonder if this guy is friends with Colin Pease at HRCC and is just following their playbook of ghostwriting for the local-yokel papers to make pure vaporware seem like it's got real momentum behind it. When the ulterior motive is really just getting free money to do jack squat. Nothing I've read has convinced me otherwise.
He does seem to have the entire Telegram newsroom in a thrall. This once be the last stenography press release the paper issues on Mr. Bono's behalf this month.