by westex33
jonaelin- same thing has happened to me. I did the blood work, doctors appt's, measurements, and sleep study. I faxed all my info to CHS. Since I do have moderate sleep apnea the nurse asked if I had recieved my CPAP machine yet. I told her no, but was able to get it the following day. She said to use it for one week to prove that I am using it and download the information and have it faxed to them. Well I did all of that yesterday and they say my chart is with the BNSF MD now for review. We will see what they say. I have spent over $2000 all on all of this....I hope it was worth it. I just wonder if the rest of the people that were starting the same time I was suppose to have already started??? If so, what happens to me??? Where are you hiring in at???