• BNSF Hiring Process

  • General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.
General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.

Moderator: thebigc

  by westex33
jonaelin- same thing has happened to me. I did the blood work, doctors appt's, measurements, and sleep study. I faxed all my info to CHS. Since I do have moderate sleep apnea the nurse asked if I had recieved my CPAP machine yet. I told her no, but was able to get it the following day. She said to use it for one week to prove that I am using it and download the information and have it faxed to them. Well I did all of that yesterday and they say my chart is with the BNSF MD now for review. We will see what they say. I have spent over $2000 all on all of this....I hope it was worth it. I just wonder if the rest of the people that were starting the same time I was suppose to have already started??? If so, what happens to me??? Where are you hiring in at???
  by jhardwick
I recently passed my medical exams for a BNSF Mech. Shop Laborer position in KCK. That was a little over a week ago and am curious as to how long it typically takes to hear back from them regarding start date info. I also noticed BNSF reposted the position on their careers website in the past week and got a little worried on if i was still being offered the job. Are they just working my patience or is this hiring style common among the railroad industry?
  by sano
I'm confused..... They mailed me the vision, hearing, and drug screening paperwork for my appointment, but it didn't state anything about a physical and the doctor gave me one anyways. Also, when they called to tell me my appoint time and date they said it was for vision and hearing, they never mentioned a physical. I wish they would give contact information.

Is that how it was for everyone else?
  by railroad ready
I recieved a contingent offer about a month ago did my background and medical background forms and have then taken a strength test. I have not heard anything on results or have not taken hearing or vision test. Does this mean I am on chopping block since no hearing or vision test??? Does the hearing and vision test always come before strength test?? Thanks for any reply's!
  by tnicholson25
Took my strength test on Thursday and got an email friday saying I met medical standareds. Please tell me come monday I'll get the final email with where to report for training and everything its been a long wait lol thanks
  by sano
railroad ready wrote:I recieved a contingent offer about a month ago did my background and medical background forms and have then taken a strength test. I have not heard anything on results or have not taken hearing or vision test. Does this mean I am on chopping block since no hearing or vision test??? Does the hearing and vision test always come before strength test?? Thanks for any reply's!
For me everything was scheduled before anything was completed. I did the eye/hearing exam after the strength test, but it was already scheduled before I did the strength test.
  by railroad ready
Thanks! So maybe I still have a fighting chance.
  by mufdvr1
maybe you should call the med company and ask a question like I was wondering if and when my physical is.....
  by psjgggoff
Just wondering if anyone that teston April 26th 2011 for the bnsf corwith yard in Chicago has been contacted with a start date.I have finished the strength test vision and hearing and received an email that I have passed the medical from CHS Medical. Is there more things that need to be done or am I just waiting on a start date?

  by hogndoggin
yea, i got an offer and completed all tests last week...strengh, physical, drug. i have not heard anything about pass/fail from a single one. how long did it take for yall to hear? also, where is conductor training taken at? are there multiple training locations or just one? thanks in advance.
  by psjgggoff
It takes a couple of weeks before they send the final offer letter I have been working there 2 months now thanks
  by hogndoggin
psjgggoff wrote:It takes a couple of weeks before they send the final offer letter I have been working there 2 months now thanks
Cool man, Thanks. How's it working out for you?
  by daddyo210
I'm going to Kelso Washington on the 11th for my first interview and am worried about the math. Can anyone give me an Idea of what to expect so I can start a quick brush up. Thanks
  by daddyo210
I'm going to Kelso Washington on the 11th for my first interview and am worried about the math. Can anyone give me an Idea of what to expect so I can start a quick brush up. Thanks
  by sano
daddyo210 wrote:I'm going to Kelso Washington on the 11th for my first interview and am worried about the math. Can anyone give me an Idea of what to expect so I can start a quick brush up. Thanks
There wasn't math on the conductors test I took for bnsf..