• BNSF Hiring Process

  • General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.
General discussion about working in the railroad industry. Industry employers are welcome to post openings here.

Moderator: thebigc

  by rmwarriner
Interesting information in this thread. I am currently in the pre-hire process for Grand Junction, CO. I got my medical clearance earlier this week and am just waiting for the background check to complete. I noticed on one of the posts that the class (discussed in that post) was being possibly delayed while checks completed. I am somewhat confused in that during the interview I was told, in no uncertain terms, that the class is not held up and that if the background check isn't complete that you (the prospective employee) is out of luck. What's the scoop on that?
Also, why does there seem to be animosity toward railfans? Various posts I have read indicate that if you really like trains, etc that you should avoid mentioning it until later. I have liked trains since I was a kid and have always wanted to work on the railroad. To me that would be motivation? If it is a matter of work ability and such, I have been on-call in the oil field as well as a truck driver (not a drop/hook driver but one who has to work his cargo) for several years.
Thirdly, how do the HOS rules for the RR work? I'm used to truck driving HOS rules.
Finally I noticed there is a contract dispute going on at the present. How will that affect the near future?
Sorry for the rambling, just got off duty and am a bit tired.
  by Ryanlee
I was wondering if having a felony excludes you from getting hired, it's only a D felony and it occurred 3 hrs ago.
  by Hal9000
rmwarriner wrote:Interesting information in this thread. I am currently in the pre-hire process for Grand Junction, CO. I got my medical clearance earlier this week and am just waiting for the background check to complete. I noticed on one of the posts that the class (discussed in that post) was being possibly delayed while checks completed. I am somewhat confused in that during the interview I was told, in no uncertain terms, that the class is not held up and that if the background check isn't complete that you (the prospective employee) is out of luck. What's the scoop on that?

That's what they told me. If someone tells you not to sweat it, they're telling you the thing. I was hired without the background check being completed, but they marked it as done anyway, and just put a "tentative" in front of my final offer. I was hired and haven't had an issue since.
  by nohcho
Anyone from seattle area got their final offers yet?
  by nakaawai
Just finished my first week as a conductor trainee here in Seattle, WA. This whole week was primarily book work with homework and basic yard stuff stuff like: riding/ protecting point, hand/lantern signals, radio communication, and some other small stuff. We got issued safety boots, safety vests, lanterns, but our radios got misplaced so we'll get them on Monday. My class is a great bunch of guys and the smallest class the instructors have seen in awhile (5 trainees). There's another class in Spokane going on and they've got a full 20+. So we lucked out with alot of 1-on-1 with the instructors. It's fun and alot of work but overall I believe well worth it.
  by AJLB
nohcho wrote:Anyone from seattle area got their final offers yet?
I did the September Interview session at Seatac and I have my conditional offer for a January start, checks and medical still in progress. Interestingley they told us the November class was full, yet it seems there are only 5 people on it.
  by nohcho
Do you know if December class is gonna take place in December or it got pushed back to January? The whole hiring process has been ridiculuos for me. I interviewed back in July and got my conditionla offer days later. So far ive missed the August class, October class and about to miss the December class. And yet, people that interviewed after me are already in the class. BNSF HR just keeps telling me that they will send me the final offer for some time now. I am very frustrated at this point.
  by AJLB
nohcho wrote:Do you know if December class is gonna take place in December or it got pushed back to January? The whole hiring process has been ridiculuos for me. I interviewed back in July and got my conditionla offer days later. So far ive missed the August class, October class and about to miss the December class. And yet, people that interviewed after me are already in the class. BNSF HR just keeps telling me that they will send me the final offer for some time now. I am very frustrated at this point.
That must be frustrating, I don't pretend to understand how it all works. I only found out I was scheduled for the January class through CHS medical, the gal there told me she needed to get my medical done by the end of November because I am to start in January, how does she know?
  by AJLB
2 weeks ago HR told me my Background is complete, they are just waiting for Medical clearance and I am still on track for January start in Seattle, 4 days ago CHS emailed that I meet medical standards but I have heard nothing from HR, it's December 14th now and the class is Jan 9th. Do I have the job? I hate this waiting
  by nohcho
AJLB wrote:
nohcho wrote:Anyone from seattle area got their final offers yet?
I did the September Interview session at Seatac and I have my conditional offer for a January start, checks and medical still in progress. Interestingley they told us the November class was full, yet it seems there are only 5 people on it.

So the five people in October class are all destined for Wenatchee yard. they had to bring the to Seattle because Wenatchee odes not have instructors,
  by AJLB
Panic over, Final offer received today, Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  by deedee
i applied for the conductor trainee position back in September of 2011 in Vancouver, WA with BNSF and received my conditional offer last week. i am very excited to say the least. did anyone on here go to that hiring session? if so please post your thoughts.

just my opinion about dress. the HR lady told us that HR reps cannot interview applicants anymore, so every interviewer was a manager from the local yard....and guess what? they all came directly from work wearing work clothes.. some even being a little dirty. i really felt bad for the people that went with suits and cufflinks ect. now i'm not saying you should wear your work clothes but i definitely would not try and look like i was attending a wedding as some looked like they were.

its funny because i am a 23 yr old and i look like im 16...and out of all those people( around 90 ) i got an offer. i really thought my interview went bad and i left the building thinking i wasted my time. just shows that you never know.

  by AJLB
deedee wrote:i applied for the conductor trainee position back in September of 2011 in Vancouver, WA with BNSF and received my conditional offer last week. i am very excited to say the least. did anyone on here go to that hiring session? if so please post your thoughts.

just my opinion about dress. the HR lady told us that HR reps cannot interview applicants anymore, so every interviewer was a manager from the local yard....and guess what? they all came directly from work wearing work clothes.. some even being a little dirty. i really felt bad for the people that went with suits and cufflinks ect. now i'm not saying you should wear your work clothes but i definitely would not try and look like i was attending a wedding as some looked like they were.

its funny because i am a 23 yr old and i look like im 16...and out of all those people( around 90 ) i got an offer. i really thought my interview went bad and i left the building thinking i wasted my time. just shows that you never know.

Congrats on your Conditional offer, however I find your opinion about dress, flawed. What THEY are wearing is of no concern to the interviewee, the general feeling is khakis, button down shirt and shoes not trainers, at a minimum. Now as you say you are a young man (wish I still was) and when we are young we sometimes rush to judgements.
You based your opinion on on your statements above regarding, their dress, your dress and your age. Well I interviewed in Seattle in September, please compare my statement below with yours above.

"I wore Dress pants, Shirt and Tie, Cuff Links, Dress Shoes & Sport Jacket. I felt really bad for those who turned up in jeans and trainers who didn't get the job, it's funny because I am 57 years old and I got a Conditional AND Final Offer and I thought my interview went great, just shows you never know"

My point deedee is this, be carefull what you say. Absolutely nobody will do their chances any harm being overdressed but may do a lot of damage being underdressed.
  by trmn8r
AJLB wrote:
deedee wrote:i applied for the conductor trainee position back in September of 2011 in Vancouver, WA with BNSF and received my conditional offer last week. i am very excited to say the least. did anyone on here go to that hiring session? if so please post your thoughts.

just my opinion about dress. the HR lady told us that HR reps cannot interview applicants anymore, so every interviewer was a manager from the local yard....and guess what? they all came directly from work wearing work clothes.. some even being a little dirty. i really felt bad for the people that went with suits and cufflinks ect. now i'm not saying you should wear your work clothes but i definitely would not try and look like i was attending a wedding as some looked like they were.

its funny because i am a 23 yr old and i look like im 16...and out of all those people( around 90 ) i got an offer. i really thought my interview went bad and i left the building thinking i wasted my time. just shows that you never know.

Congrats on your Conditional offer, however I find your opinion about dress, flawed. What THEY are wearing is of no concern to the interviewee, the general feeling is khakis, button down shirt and shoes not trainers, at a minimum. Now as you say you are a young man (wish I still was) and when we are young we sometimes rush to judgements.
You based your opinion on on your statements above regarding, their dress, your dress and your age. Well I interviewed in Seattle in September, please compare my statement below with yours above.

"I wore Dress pants, Shirt and Tie, Cuff Links, Dress Shoes & Sport Jacket. I felt really bad for those who turned up in jeans and trainers who didn't get the job, it's funny because I am 57 years old and I got a Conditional AND Final Offer and I thought my interview went great, just shows you never know"

My point deedee is this, be carefull what you say. Absolutely nobody will do their chances any harm being overdressed but may do a lot of damage being underdressed.
My sentiments exaclty.

46 years old, attended interview session for Amarillo TX 12/16, received conditional offer 12/21.
Wore new suit I bought just for the interview as I didn't have nice suit to wear.
I did know two guys there one in jeans, one in khakis. They did not get conditional offer, they got "thanks but no thanks" emails. Was it their dress? I doubt it, at least surely not the only reason. Guy next to me during test was from NARS. Young, dressed nice suit but no jacket. He got an offer.
There was a terminal sup. from Amarillo, some type of manager from Colorado, and one from somewhere else. They sat in on each interview, three interviews going at a time. They didn't ask many questions. HR rep did most of the talking. At the end of the interview (mine anyway) HR rep asked manager out of Colorado if he had any questions for me. He simply said no he was fine with questions and answers he had heard. Thanked them, shook their hands, and walked away thinking I should have done a better job interviewing, that since he had no questions, I must not of impressed him much. Maybe I did, maybe I didn't, but I guess it was good enough for an offer anyway.

I'm happy with how I went dressed, I was probalby one of three "maybe" in a full suit, maybe 10 had nice slacks shirt and tie, 20 or so in khakis, the rest in jeans. It would be neat to find out just how all the guys who got offers were dressed. Maybe if I make it all the way to final offer, I can ask them when we start class. :)
  by deedee
you both made good points there. however, if you read my post you will see that i said "my opinion" not...."a fact".
see, that was the third time i had interviewed for two different railroads and both times before i did wear a suit and all. this time i did try something different and wore nice dark jeans with a sweater...and i got a job offer. coincidence?...i don't know. but i was always taught that you don't want to out dress your interviewer....however that is just my opinion. i am not under any circumstances saying that you should "dress the part" with Carharts and all but in the end i think as long as you look nice and clean that should do..not everyone has suits and cufflinks.

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