by cjvrr
Here are some popoluation numbers for Binghamton;
Population, 1960-2000
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Total 250,463 268,328 263,460 264,497 252,320
Change 17,865 -4,868 1,037 -12,177
Percent Change 7.13% -1.81% 0.39% -4.60%
So the population of the city itself continues to shrink.
How can you justify service with a shrinking popluation?
Population, 1960-2000
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Total 250,463 268,328 263,460 264,497 252,320
Change 17,865 -4,868 1,037 -12,177
Percent Change 7.13% -1.81% 0.39% -4.60%
So the population of the city itself continues to shrink.
How can you justify service with a shrinking popluation?
CV the Civil E