Crane, the well known Valve manufacturer, also put out a monthly magazine, VALVE WORLD.
Besides articles about the industry, the publication also featured some inspirational articles aimed at the workers in these large plants.
A complete issue. ... frontcover
valve world- Crane Company
Among the many publications which come regularly to the writer’s desk is a monthly magazine called “The Valve World,” published as the house organ of a great manufacturing company having offices, branches, warehouses and factories all over the world, including every Canadian Province, except Prince Edward Island. One of the regular departments in this magazine is headed “From an Old Fogy’s Inglenook,” and consists of Informal, personal chats of a most Interesting, informative, and inspirational character. They are thought-provoking, while at the same time bringing comfort to the reader. They are a .spur to one’s ambition, a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day, an incentive to be up and doing, and to endeavor to find and appreciate true values In life.
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