• Artifacts and remnants of PSCT

  • This forum is for discussion of "Fallen Flag" roads not otherwise provided with a specific forum. Fallen Flags are roads that no longer operate, went bankrupt, or were acquired or merged out of existence.
This forum is for discussion of "Fallen Flag" roads not otherwise provided with a specific forum. Fallen Flags are roads that no longer operate, went bankrupt, or were acquired or merged out of existence.

Moderator: Nicolai3985

  by CarterB
Let's restart our discussions about PS histories, remnants, ROW's.

  by BlockLine_4111
All I recall is the small ROW in Rochelle Park near Plaza Way and under Rt. 17. I believe recently the vertical yellow rails were pulled out of the soil. Also recall the ROW from Fair Lawn into Waldwick and some bridge structures along this ROW in Ridgewood. IIRC the ROW passes in back of the field at the Ridgewood "bandshell" as some call it.
  by chuchubob
There's a bit of track from the Camden-Clementon line showing in Audubon. It still appears the same as in the photo taken a year and a half ago.

http://community.webshots.com/photo/495 ... 9020pLocvS

  by Ken W2KB
Plus the hundred feet or so of track, including curves, embedded in the Belgian block pavement just north of Hoboken terminal.
  by CarterB
That 100 ft or so....is it in Observer Highway?
  by AndyB
I believe Ken is talking about the trackage in Hudson Place on the north side of the terminal.
And if you go one block north on River St. to Newark St. The east end of the street leading to the ferry slips was converted into a small park. When being worked on they dug up the trolley rail and cobble stones. They then put everything back in place, "Historic Preservation", looks great put a closer look by a trained railbuff will reveal that the trolley rail was laid backwards, railhead is in and flangeway is out.
The area does look nice. I think this was the original terminal location for the line to Passaic and Paterson.
  by Hostler
Growing up in Plainfield in the Fifties, the downtown area still had a run of double track. I was saw the old trolleys rails that ran down Watchung Ave and turned west on Front St. I knew the trolleys were long gone but always wished they'd come back. I assume they ran east on South Ave toward Fanwood and Westfield and must have continued west toward Dunellen. Does anyone have a little history on this area and what the route was and when it service was discontinued. I remember vaguely the old Lehigh Valley Transit line from South Bethlehem through Fountain Hill up to Allentown. They passed my right in front of my grandmothers house. This my only recollection of actual operating traction, and they were gone by around '52 or '53.
  by AndyB
The North Jersey Chapter National Railway Historical Society published a 68 page booklet on the Union Line (Route 49). This is the Public Service trolley line that ran from Elizabeth to Bound Brook and went through the towns you mentioned. It was printed in 1988, but I have seen copies of it at meets or you may want to contact the Chapter. I used my copy a few years ago to "railfan" the line. When you know where to look it amazing what still there.
  by Hostler
Thanks for the info, AndyB. I went on their site and the publication is still available, so I sent them an email to see about getting a copy.


  by EugeneV.Debs
Camden, NJ still has a few places where you can see exposed track, but mainly Camden still has the office building of Public Service. The Public Service building is now the Free Library of Camden and the building still says "Gas", "Electric" and "Railway". Incidently that building is located right near the Walter Rand Transportation stop on the Riverline. Also in Camden is NJT's (ex-Public Service) Newton Ave. shop and offices. Many trolley era buildings still exist, including the car shop building.

  by CarterB
The Trolley terminal at Journal Square still exists (even some track still buried) in a parking lot that is next to the Hudson County Comm. Coll (PS bldg) Unfortunately, when I was there last week, I was told that what is left will be soon torn down.
Last edited by CarterB on Thu Apr 29, 2004 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

  by EugeneV.Debs
CarterB, hopefully you can get some pictures before they tear it down. :(

  by SemperFiSep11
There's always the ROW of the Newark-Trenton Fast Line which is pseudo-preserved as a power line ROW. I have heard that several bridge abutments are still in place along the line.

  by EugeneV.Debs
When did the Trenton-Newark fast line cease service? How did it go through New Brunswick? Was there or is there a trolley barn on Hamilton Ave in New Brunswick?
  by AndyB
Electric service ended Feb. 1931. For a few years Public Service operated three gas-electric cars converted from trolley cars. This service at the end was using a bus equipped with flanged wheels simular to a highrailer. The last run is given as May 11, 1937 in Edward Hamm's "Public Service Trolley Lines in New Jersey"
From a not to detailed map in the same book.
The line came into New Brunswick on Amboy St. south to George St. east to Throop Ave. south to Sanford St east past car house to P.R.W to Georges Rd., North Brunswick.