by Gilbert B Norman
Railway Age has always been the railtoad industry's "house organ". That is its editorial content has always taken the industry's position on its affairs.
Now it appears it has eclipsed TRAINS in taking favorable passenger train editorial positions with material you'd expect to read in the likes of PTJ or an RPA (NARP) newsletter.
This, to me, opinion piece just would have never sppeared in the RA I knew during my eleven years in the industry: ... lared-war/
Beyond submitting a Fair Use caption, I defer to others to open discussion regarding this material beyond what I've already noted; I'm astounded RA has circulated such:
Now it appears it has eclipsed TRAINS in taking favorable passenger train editorial positions with material you'd expect to read in the likes of PTJ or an RPA (NARP) newsletter.
This, to me, opinion piece just would have never sppeared in the RA I knew during my eleven years in the industry: ... lared-war/
Beyond submitting a Fair Use caption, I defer to others to open discussion regarding this material beyond what I've already noted; I'm astounded RA has circulated such:
This writer began working on this series on June 19. It was Juneteenth, the day an increasing number of Americans of all colors and heritages now view as an occasion to celebrate freedom. Part of the freedom that many Americans treasure is the freedom to travel, as stated in the First Amendment of the Constitution. The “right to travel” is one thing, in the sense that government cannot unduly restrict travel (as questionable as that assumption may appear these days), but there is also the issue that this sacred “right” can be limited if access to mobility is also limited. Millions of Americans who depend on Amtrak for part of their travel have lost a significant portion of the mobility they have today.