• Any good Alcos for Sale out there?

  • Discussion of products from the American Locomotive Company. A web site with current Alco 251 information can be found here: Fairbanks-Morse/Alco 251.
Discussion of products from the American Locomotive Company. A web site with current Alco 251 information can be found here: Fairbanks-Morse/Alco 251.

Moderator: Alcoman

  by 2spot
While I'm on the subject of Bombardiers does NRE still have any HR-616s? Does anybody know what NRE has in the way of Alco/MLW/Bbd power?

  by N. Todd
Yeah, as quoted many times elsewhere, they still have most, if not all of the HR616s they bought from CN. I might think that they still have the C424 and RS18(s) that MNNR sold a few years ago (2003?)

  by wess
Didnt they snatch up the RS-27's the MNNR had a while ago?

  by Alcoman
The Windsor And Hantsport still has some RS23's for sale. Contact them soon if interested as I have learned that there are 2 or 3 railroads interested in them the W&H may have some buyers.
  by Komachi
So, Wess said...

"Didnt they [NRE] snatch up the RS-27's the MNNR had a while ago?"

(Jimmy Fallon impersonating Nicholas Cage voice) WHO? WHAT? WHERE?

I heard the Minnesota Commercial had sold off a couple of its ALCo. units, like the M-630 #73, and a Century or two...

BUT THE RS-27s? INCONCEIVABLE!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Gonna have to check with my source in the Twin Cities on this...

  by sallenparks
I dont think NRE has the two RS27's they got EX. D&H/GWI C424m's 62 and 63 a while back and I think one or two of the RS18's but not the 27's. in fact some one said the A&M was looking to buy RS23's from MNNR but I was wondering if they might of ment the RS27's the MNNR only have one RS23 and they said two locomotives where consider for purchase. RS's of some kind.

  by joshuahouse
2spot wrote:How about six LRCs built by Bombardier between 1980 and 1982. Theyre wierd but (16V251F) 3750HP on self levelling B-B trucks with HEP and 125 MPH. Theyre locomotive-like. http://www.viarail.ca/doing_business/en ... _asse.html
Are these things FRA compliant?
  by 2spot
They should have been FRA compliant when taken out of service in 2003, but being tied up in Toronto they might not have lights or glass anymore due to vandalism so I cant say for sure. Good question. Do you know anyone that could use a four axle 3750 HP MLW/Bbd?

  by NRECer
all of the remaining M437LRC's are owned by the outfit that currently occupies the ex-CN shop at Moncton. That VIA bid list is out of date.

  by 2spot
I dont doubt that list might be out of date. The outfit you refer to is Industrial Rail Services who own most of the other LRC-2s and -3s. As late as Feb.28 2005 VIA Rail was still listing six LRC-2s as stored. Industrial Rail Services might own them by now. The only other purchaser was CAD Railway Services, of Montreal.

  by 2spot
Before this thread dies completely, I hear that the W&H RS 23s have gone to Marine Diesel Engines. http://www.mdeltd.com (they really need to update their "Locomotives" page) Alcoman, can you confirm? While Ive got you all here, can any of you tell me what became of the BCRail RS18cats that CN sold in September?

  by MEC407
2spot wrote: While Ive got you all here, can any of you tell me what became of the BCRail RS18cats that CN sold in September?
I was wondering about that too. With the fact that they're Alco-based and Cat-powered, you'd think the asking price would most likely be pretty low.

Am I correct in assuming that these units would perform similarly to an EMD/MPI GP20D/MP20B/whatever-the-hell-they're-called?

  by Alcoman
As far as I know, the RS23's are still being sold by the Windsor & Hantsport.
I have a contact with this railroad so I will check with him and see if there is any change.
I had heard that a couple of RS-23's may be sold, but it is unconfirmed.

BTW, Marine Diesel Engines LTD is another dealer. They can sell the locomotives whole or strip them for parts and scrap the shells.

  by 2spot
The 3516 Cat engines were rated at 2075HP and were a medium speed engine. They must have loaded up fairly quickly 'cause they mostly did switching with BCRs RS3 slugs. They were used to having Alco/MLW power for that. As to condition, 602 had a PM fire, no TMs,missing parts, 603 showed signs of cannibalisation but no listed faults, 623 appeared complete but had been derailed (dont know why it was retired-it supposedly stayed upright), 626 had been canibalised, no alternator (this series have Kato alternators). This link should still work: http://cn.ca/about/surplus_assets/surpl ... cial.shtml Most of the CN stuff was scrapped, I fear that might have happened to the CRS20s too. I hope not, these things were rebuilt between 1991 & 95.
  by Komachi
Okay guys,

I have been informed by my source in the Twin Cities that the MNNR still has both the RS-27s, and that C-424s 313-314 and M420 35 are still in daily service. Various other ALCo. units are either in storage or in the shops (as I've stated in other threads, they're using the disposable GEs to reduce wear and tear on the ALCo. units). Traffic demands dictate which units are used at a given time.

Also, I was also informed that if/when the Minnesota Commercial chooses to divest itself of the RS-27s, they will reportedly be going to NRM and IRM.
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