• Amtrak Downeaster Discussion Thread

  • Discussion related to Amtrak also known as the National Railroad Passenger Corp.
Discussion related to Amtrak also known as the National Railroad Passenger Corp.

Moderators: GirlOnTheTrain, mtuandrew, Tadman

  by Railjunkie
STrRedWolf wrote: Sat Aug 24, 2024 2:34 pm
Railjunkie wrote: Sat Aug 24, 2024 9:49 am The 108 has moved to the track 3 side of the shop. Normally when engines make it here its not long before they are put back into service.
I checked with the other folks at the shop on other channels, and they've been busy for a while... but sussed out from what the machinists found out was a cylinder did drop an intake valve and also found a good amount of oil in the intake manifold. So they're going to be replacing that there.
Power assembly, turbo, oil and fuel lines, exhaust stack, and new roof panels. If the engine itself gets to wonky they will just replace it. There is no damage to the car body except the roof hatches. She is a valuable locomotive not for the war paint but for the ACSES. Work should begin either today or Monday also depending on availability of parts. Figure a couple of weeks, foreman I spoke to would like it in a week but...

I just got another video of a dual mode spewing coolant all over SYR not sure if its the 704 or a new issue. The 32s have been dropping like flies. Empire service stuff will take priority over this as we need the our own power for service.
  by STrRedWolf
Ouch... going be fun at the shop for a while.

That said, if a Mod is around, may want to split the 108 discussion into the Genesis thread. I feel like we're highjacking the Downeaster thread.
  by markhb
I went to the NNEPRA board meeting Monday. I did ask, during public comment, about the possibility of acquiring the Ferguson building to allow a larger footprint for the station (and a waiting room > 750 square feet(. Patricia seemed surprised by the question but said that all the building plans are preliminary.
  by jonnhrr
Concerning the Portland Station relocation. If they are going with option 3 in order to simplify access to the Mountain Branch if future service towards Westbrook ever happens, it doesn't seem to me that there is enough room to fit the platforms in if they are only using the Ferguson property. Looking at the satellite view, it seems they may have to use some of Tyson Foods property to get a decent sized platform in.

Since the station relocation makes interchange with Concord Coach service more difficult, will this mean passengers heading towards Augusta or Bangor are more likely to just get CC at South Station rather than taking the Downeaster? Although I'm not sure how many passengers today do that transfer, maybe it's not a lot.
  by CPF66
I am wondering how hard it would be to build an access road along the Mountain Division, allowing for shuttle buses between the bus terminal and the station. Another possibility is that Concord Coach could just add a stop at the proposed site, adding maybe 15 minutes onto the trip for riders. It all depends on the volume of people who transfer from bus to the train.
  by Goddraug
So long as its build next to the tracks and not on them, I couldn’t imagine it being too hard. That said, anything that would impede any present and future rail service on the Mountain Division is bound to hit a few snags to the point of infeasibility, if you ask me.
  by NHV 669
Considering the branch still sees active freight service, there's little reason to assume anything would be built on the tracks or RoW.
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