by Trolleycar
Why did Amtrak Did the Acela Trains was it to replace the Metroliner services?
The Aclea Trains are in 8 Car Train Sets & possibble up to 15 car train sets.
There is Tilting High speed train sets that now being done mostly more than likely for USA in a lot of areas .
where there is sharpe curves .
Amtrak will be around forever in some Form with a possible the Bullet Trains that will be Replacing Diesels
& doing Hydro Fuel cell Locomotives With Amtrak Trains.
I know that Amtrak is a Private & Govermnet Owned Rail Service.
Hydro fuel cell Locomotives will be cleaner & Better , ECO Friendly .
The Aclea Trains are in 8 Car Train Sets & possibble up to 15 car train sets.
There is Tilting High speed train sets that now being done mostly more than likely for USA in a lot of areas .
where there is sharpe curves .
Amtrak will be around forever in some Form with a possible the Bullet Trains that will be Replacing Diesels
& doing Hydro Fuel cell Locomotives With Amtrak Trains.
I know that Amtrak is a Private & Govermnet Owned Rail Service.
Hydro fuel cell Locomotives will be cleaner & Better , ECO Friendly .