by BuddSilverliner269
Hello everyone, as we all know, Amtrak Septa and Penndot have been working the past few years to rebuild the Keystone Corridor from Zoo to Harrisburg. Not only have the tracks been rebuilt for the most part, but new rule 562 signalling have been installed near Harrisburg and is marching East as we speak with it currently installed between State(Harrisburg) and Cork(Lancaster). Starting with calender year 2009 and lasting for 4 years will be work on the new rule 562 from Zoo to Paoli(Im guessing to meet the new signals from Harrisburg. Im only speculating) with 3 brand new interlockings at Paoli, Villanova and Wynnefield. This means teh end of Bryn Mawr and Overbrook interlockings and the ends of the towers eventually.Overbrook and Bryn Mawr interlockings are a hassle because the are located within the station limits with numerous people crossing the tracks daily. I knew Septas plan is to run the R5 Bryn Mawr locals to Villanova. I have heard this when I was still at Septa and now Septa issued a report that outlines this work.Also transfer of the "K"interlocking in Zoo will be transferred from Zoo tower to Septas RROC. The ride thru Zoo is really nice. The new signals installed at the K ladder by Septa are at least traditional PRR style signals although they are attached to massive aluminum poles now. Below is the except from the Septa report..Thoughts anyone Perhaps I need to recruit prople like jersey-mike or choo choo bob, to take pics of the soon vanishing vistas of these unique interlockings.
R5 Paoli Line Improvements ($80,600,000) (MPMS #59917)
SEPTA, PennDOT, and Amtrak are working together to improve the infrastructure of the Amtrak-owned
Keystone corridor between Philadelphia and Harrisburg. This corridor serves the PennDOT-subsidized
and Amtrak-operated Keystone service, and SEPTA’s R5 Paoli/Thorndale Regional Rail Line. The project
will restore the infrastructure to a state of good repair, improve operating speeds and enhance service
reliability. Amtrak and PennDOT have jointly funded the installation of new concrete ties and new
continuous welded rail (CWR) on Tracks 2 and 3 between Zoo Interlocking and Paoli Station, and
infrastructure improvements west of Paoli, including ties, rail, signals, catenary and bridges. The project
also included the rehabilitation of Amtrak rail vehicles for use on this line. The investment by PennDOT
and Amtrak in the Keystone corridor totaled $145.5 million. The jointly funded Amtrak/PennDOT
improvements were substantially completed in Calendar Year 2006.
Amtrak and SEPTA are sharing the cost of improvements from Zoo Interlocking (west of Amtrak’s 30th
Street Station) westward to the Paoli Station in Chester County. SEPTA funds provide for improvements
between Zoo and Paoli Interlockings on Tracks 1 and 4. This project will be advanced in phases over a
multi-year period.
Amtrak-SEPTA Phase 1, which was completed in Calendar Year 2007, included the installation of 85,000
concrete crossties and new continuous welded rail, track surfacing, and track realignment. Phase 2
includes the design and construction of three track interlockings (Paoli, Villanova and Wynnefield) and a
new bi-directional train signal system. The construction of Phase 2 improvements will be addressed over
a four year period starting in Calendar Year 2009.
The scope of work for Phase 3 is under development and will include additional track interlocking
modifications, as well as improvements to power substations, the power distribution system, and track
Capital investments currently completed, planned and under consideration for this rail corridor will
enhance the train service provided by both SEPTA and Amtrak, as well as significantly improve the quality
of ride for current and future customers.
Amtrak “K” Interlocking Transfer Project ($10,877,446) (MPMS #60255)
The “K” Interlocking location is the easternmost section of the overall Amtrak Interlocking, known as
“Zoo”. It is controlled and maintained by Amtrak. However, the “K” Interlocking is critical to SEPTA
Railroad operations, as all SEPTA Paoli, Cynwyd, Trenton and Chestnut Hill West trains operate through
it. This project provides for the third-party design and installation of a modernized “K” interlocking,
which includes a new train control system, track work, civil improvements, new catenary, fully remotely
controlled operation system, and new fiber optic communications infrastructure. Construction is in
progress. 32,000 feet of rail and 4,500 ties have been installed; installation of a prefabricated cable
trough to accommodate new cabling throughout the interlocking has been completed. This project is
scheduled for completion in March 2009.
R5 Paoli Line Improvements ($80,600,000) (MPMS #59917)
SEPTA, PennDOT, and Amtrak are working together to improve the infrastructure of the Amtrak-owned
Keystone corridor between Philadelphia and Harrisburg. This corridor serves the PennDOT-subsidized
and Amtrak-operated Keystone service, and SEPTA’s R5 Paoli/Thorndale Regional Rail Line. The project
will restore the infrastructure to a state of good repair, improve operating speeds and enhance service
reliability. Amtrak and PennDOT have jointly funded the installation of new concrete ties and new
continuous welded rail (CWR) on Tracks 2 and 3 between Zoo Interlocking and Paoli Station, and
infrastructure improvements west of Paoli, including ties, rail, signals, catenary and bridges. The project
also included the rehabilitation of Amtrak rail vehicles for use on this line. The investment by PennDOT
and Amtrak in the Keystone corridor totaled $145.5 million. The jointly funded Amtrak/PennDOT
improvements were substantially completed in Calendar Year 2006.
Amtrak and SEPTA are sharing the cost of improvements from Zoo Interlocking (west of Amtrak’s 30th
Street Station) westward to the Paoli Station in Chester County. SEPTA funds provide for improvements
between Zoo and Paoli Interlockings on Tracks 1 and 4. This project will be advanced in phases over a
multi-year period.
Amtrak-SEPTA Phase 1, which was completed in Calendar Year 2007, included the installation of 85,000
concrete crossties and new continuous welded rail, track surfacing, and track realignment. Phase 2
includes the design and construction of three track interlockings (Paoli, Villanova and Wynnefield) and a
new bi-directional train signal system. The construction of Phase 2 improvements will be addressed over
a four year period starting in Calendar Year 2009.
The scope of work for Phase 3 is under development and will include additional track interlocking
modifications, as well as improvements to power substations, the power distribution system, and track
Capital investments currently completed, planned and under consideration for this rail corridor will
enhance the train service provided by both SEPTA and Amtrak, as well as significantly improve the quality
of ride for current and future customers.
Amtrak “K” Interlocking Transfer Project ($10,877,446) (MPMS #60255)
The “K” Interlocking location is the easternmost section of the overall Amtrak Interlocking, known as
“Zoo”. It is controlled and maintained by Amtrak. However, the “K” Interlocking is critical to SEPTA
Railroad operations, as all SEPTA Paoli, Cynwyd, Trenton and Chestnut Hill West trains operate through
it. This project provides for the third-party design and installation of a modernized “K” interlocking,
which includes a new train control system, track work, civil improvements, new catenary, fully remotely
controlled operation system, and new fiber optic communications infrastructure. Construction is in
progress. 32,000 feet of rail and 4,500 ties have been installed; installation of a prefabricated cable
trough to accommodate new cabling throughout the interlocking has been completed. This project is
scheduled for completion in March 2009.