• Discussion of products from the American Locomotive Company. A web site with current Alco 251 information can be found here: Fairbanks-Morse/Alco 251.
Discussion of products from the American Locomotive Company. A web site with current Alco 251 information can be found here: Fairbanks-Morse/Alco 251.

Moderator: Alcoman

  by Paul
Tell Wiley I said hello.

  by sallenparks
To the subject of ALCO's for sale GWI will have two C420's for sale sometime in the future these will be Little Rock & Western locos as they now own them.

  by Alcoman
I suspected this as soon as the railroad was bought. No surprise there.

  by A&MWatcher
I think that most of you said the same things about the A&M a few years ago?

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

  by GN 599
Well I guess if this issue has this much attention already maybe something good will happen after all as long is its out on the table.

  by Alcoman
It looks like the Chapters 2 electric locomotive MAY go to the Danbury Railway Musem. ...that is if transportation can be worked out.

  by GN 599
Ah yes, tranportation always a pesky issue for things of this nature. There ought to be some kind of act that requires railroads to accomodate moves of this nature......in a perfect world.

  by ATK
Alcoman wrote:It looks like the Chapters 2 electric locomotive MAY go to the Danbury Railway Musem.
Has TT finally come to his senses???