its official! all EIGHT Cartier engines are now with the Susquehanna!
75 and 85 left Cohocton a few days ago, they arrived in Binghamton on Wednesday, 8-17.
Andy snagged the first pics:
so..which is which?
I have some good photos of 75 and 85 in cohocton, but they are mostly of the *other* side from Andy's pics!
but I think found enough photo evidence to prove that they were numbured consecutively,
75 is 3672
85 is 3674
here is my analysis:
the rust stains on the white sriping near the cab matches on 75 and 3672.
the air filters behind the cab:
75 has a pattern of 4 horizontal and 3 vertical.
85 has a pattern of 3 horizontal and 4 vertical.
those details can be seen on 3672 and 3674.
75 has a sinclair antenna dead center on the cab roof.
so does 3672.
85 has a sinclair antenna on the side of the cab roof.
so does 3674.
it looks like 75 has a black cab roof and black nose top.
while 85 is all orange.
cant quite make the nose in the photos I have so far..
once we get clear photos of the LEFT side of 3672 and 3674, I have other photos of 75 and 85 that should clinch it!
but for now im 99% confidant which is which..